Contemporary Fine Art


JUDITHPHOTO_BIO I am an abstract painter. My soul has a boundless fascination with the infinite possibilities of color, light and space.

I have always been inspired by the desert landscape of Northwest Mexico and the Southwestern United States to paint my own unique representations of that singular stunning paradise.

I was born and raised in the Sonoran Desert. It is a spectacular and mysterious place. It can appear vast and barren. But with the coming of the first rain of the season, it becomes a magnificent carpet of red, purples and magentas that inspires awe in the wonders of nature.

In my work, observation of nature is critical because I create art that is unquestionably my own. I work to build up space with abstract forms, juxtaposing layers of colors and overlapping brushstrokes to create gradual transitions of light and shades. I like to capture the radiance of the light, sand, mountains and flowers so that all becomes one abstract pictorial constellation of colors in motion with the dazzling effect of a vortex.

I attended La Academia De Bellas Artes, in Sonora, Mexico. I later enrolled in summer courses in art and cello performance at The University of Arizona.  I was granted a scholarship from the Commission Arizona-Sonora, a joint educational venture between the State of Arizona and Sonora. While there, I had the opportunity to work with the renowned landscape artist, Bruce McGrew, an exceptional teacher, well known for working with artists in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Professor McGrew was an important mentor to me.

The painters who have inspired me most are Claude Monet and William Turner. Painting research is fundamental in my development in art. I have continued my landscape painting studies at The Art Institute of Chicago.

My painting techniques combine those of old masters and contemporary landscape artists. I use desert sand to build an IMPASTO, a thick textured surface. I then cover this with multiple layers of oil paint.  I believe it is vital for the human creative spirit to connect with nature. This connection is of central importance to my own work.


“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks”
– John Muir